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DeSantis Defies Biden’s ‘Illegal’ Plot – Makes Power Move Against Joe in Florida
DeSantis Defies Biden’s ‘Illegal’ Plot – Makes Power Move Against Joe in Florida

Foreigners have flowed into the U.S. from all over the world under the Biden administration. The president invited them, and they came by the millions, illegally crossing the border and scattering across the country.

Biden began a secret program that he still won’t allow anyone to talk about for “safety” concerns. He decided what is best for the country and won’t share details of his actions to the American people.

Americans are paying millions of dollars to flood hundreds of thousands of immigrants into cities throughout the country, all on Biden’s orders. This must stop, according to Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, and he is challenging the Biden administration.

From The Daily Wire:
“First of all, it’s an illegal program. They’re bringing people in who don’t have a right to be in this country from foreign countries,” DeSantis said.

“We’ve been after them on this parole for a long time, we’ve actually won in court,” DeSantis said. “And it’s our hope that we’re going to be able to get that shut down.”

DeSantis made the remarks during a press conference on Wednesday. He was referring to Biden’s federal program where hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens have been flown into states across the U.S. without alerting state or local officials. Biden keeps secret the details about which airports and cities where the illegals land.

The Republican governor provided an example of what happens when illegals are allowed into the U.S. under Biden’s flight program. DeSantis said one illegal immigrant is facing charges for sexual assault against a developmentally disabled 14-year-old girl.

“Now, that is something that would have been prevented had they just followed the law,” DeSantis said.

News reports have estimated that Biden sends more illegal aliens into Miami than any other U.S. city. DeSantis said he can’t confirm exact locations or numbers of illegals because Biden is keeping details secret.

“But I can tell you, we’re not a sanctuary state,” DeSantis said. “We don’t have sanctuary cities, and we’ve took action to where you’re not getting a driver’s license, you’re not getting ID cards. So, you are better off in New York or Illinois or California.”

DeSantis said Florida officials are fighting back against Biden’s secret flights.

“We know the program’s going on, we’re suing over it,” DeSantis said. “We know it’s illegal and not constitutional, but they are not coordinating with state government at all.”

This is a case, that if Florida wins, it will benefit other states trying to stop Biden’s obsession with flooding the country with millions more illegal aliens.

Key Takeaways:

  • Florida Gov. DeSantis took legal action against Biden administration of illegal alien flights.
  • Biden’s secret flight program has pumped hundreds of thousands of illegals into the U.S.
  • DeSantis called the program illegal and let illegals know that Florida isn’t a sanctuary state.

Source: The Daily Wire

April 5, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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