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After Democrat Makes Sick Easter Statement – She Gets Crushed by Brutal American Karma
After Democrat Makes Sick Easter Statement – She Gets Crushed by Brutal American Karma

Leftists believe any topic is fair game to insult if that topic doesn’t align with their ideology. From mainstream media to politicians, they have openly attacked every aspect of American history and culture.

Religious holidays are a regular target of leftist mockery. With one of the most significant Christian holidays coming up this weekend, a leftist politician decided it would be funny to mock the religious beliefs of many Americans.

What this politician didn’t realize was how hard the backlash would hit her. Even her fellow leftists shut her down.

From Blaze Media:
A local Democratic politician from New Jersey is facing a firestorm after she posted a meme mocking Easter while defending drag queens and abortion.

“Easter eggs are aborted chicken babies that are painted in drag for small children to worship. Happy Easter,” read the meme on Instagram.

The blatant attack on Christianity produced immediate calls for Glen Rock Borough Councilwoman Paula Gilligan to resign. Her post was simply sickening.

Gilligan’s ensuing apology was more like a leftist propaganda piece attacking red state laws that promote the sanctity of life. She made sure to note that the meme in question was posted on her personal Instagram site and that the meme took aim at the “absurdity of ‘personhood’ laws.”

Her attack referred to laws that recognize the personhood of fertilized embryos. It is just one of the laws designed to protect unborn children that leftists attack viciously. Gilligan’s “apology” never really came through in her posted text which sounded more like another obnoxious slap to the face of conservatives.

“To those who feel it mocks your holiday traditions, that was not my intention,” Gilligan added. “Wishing all who celebrate a peaceful, joyous holiday.”

There was at least a separate apology from her fellow council members who openly disagreed with Gilligan. They called out the meme as offensive and said their community should honor everyone’s religious beliefs and traditions.

“This post invoked Easter, the holiest day of the year in the Christian calendar, in a point about two issues that have nothing to do with Easter. As Mayor and members of the Borough Council, we want to apologize to everyone who was offended by this post,” read the post.

What the council did not do was call for the resignation of this hateful person. Until elected officials begin pushing for the end of these anti-religious attacks, the issue won’t be resolved.

Glen Rock is a borough of about 11,500 residents about four miles northwest of Manhattan, a borough of New York City.

Key Takeaways:

  • A New Jersey Democrat posted a sickening attack against the Easter holiday.
  • Her description of “aborted chicken babies” and drag queens went too far.
  • Even her fellow Democrats denounced the post and offered an apology.

Source: Blaze Media

March 29, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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