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Democrat Leader Just Betrayed Biden – He Claims Joe’s Biggest Brag Is Secretly Broken
Democrat Leader Just Betrayed Biden – He Claims Joe’s Biggest Brag Is Secretly Broken

What’s Happening:

Americans are suffering under intense inflation that has continued to rise to record levels over the past few years. People are looking for help when it comes to bringing down costs and delivering relief to their over-stressed personal budgets.

Politicians have been yapping about how they are going to make things better for everyone. The problem is that the only solution in the past three years has come from the White House. Joe Biden has promised that he would deliver the help Americans wanted.

The irony is that Biden’s policies have been at the root of economic problems and higher inflation. Now a 2024 presidential election primary challenger to Biden’s reelection bid is calling out the president’s mistakes.

Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) claims that “Bidenomics” is a bust and said it represents economic problems, according to Fox News.

“Bidenomics is not working,” Phillips said. “It is actually the opposite. It represents inflation, high prices.”

Phillips has regularly criticized Biden for refusing to pass the torch to the next generation of potential party leadership. He launched a Democratic primary challenge in late October.

During a recent news interview Phillips provided backhanded praise for Biden, saying he is a “good man” who “saved this country.” In Phillips’ opinion, Biden was the only Democrat who had a chance to beat former President Donald Trump, but he also believes Biden will be the only one who could lose to Trump in 2024.

Phillips also compared Biden’s current run to the doomed 1980n re-election campaign of President Jimmy Carter who held very low approval numbers similar to Biden’s.

“[Carter] had a Democratic primary challenger because he was going to get slaughtered in the election,” Phillips said. “It’s the same circumstance again.”

The surprise challenger said he hasn’t caused problems for Biden because the president has done that on his own. Biden’s policies since taking office have led to the highest inflation in more than 20 years and continued domestic and foreign relations catastrophes such as the economy, the southern border crisis, and problems with allies overseas.

Phillips has caught heavy criticism from fellow Democrats, including Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC). Clyburn said Phillips was disrespecting Black voters by announcing his candidacy and campaigning in New Hampshire.

“Black voters are an essential piece of the Democratic coalition, and any candidate for president of the United States ought to know and respect their pivotal role in how Democrats win national elections,” Clyburn argued.

Phillips did set an ultimatum for his candidacy, and the president. The challenger said he would quit the race if he’s not ahead on Super Tuesday and would throw his support behind the Democratic nominee.

Phillips pointed out that Biden didn’t have to campaign in 2020 and the challenger’s run may force the president to get out and openly campaign for the first time. Phillips said that if Biden “appears well, and he debates, and he’s strong, makes a good case, that’s good for him.”

It this primary challenger forces Biden out of the basement and off the beach onto the campaign trail, that may be the single best gift to Republicans. Biden’s history of mumbling and stumbling on stage in front of the ever-recording news media cameras would be a welcome sight to the GOP.

Key Takeaways:

  • Democrat 2024 presidential primary challenger calls out President Biden’s policies.
  • Dean Phillips compares Biden re-election bid to Carter’s dismal “slaughter” in 1980.
  • Challenger wants to push Biden onto the campaign trail which would be a gift to the GOP.

Source: Fox News

November 13, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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