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Ted Cruz Exposes 1 Horrifying Biden Rule – Look What He Just Uncovered at the Border
Ted Cruz Exposes 1 Horrifying Biden Rule – Look What He Just Uncovered at the Border

What’s Happening:

Since the start of the Biden administration, the border situation has been deteriorating. Some claimed Biden has let in millions of migrants, just to reverse Trump’s previous policies.

But Republicans and border town officials have claimed otherwise. It seems Biden might be going out of his way to encourage illegal entry into the United States.

Sen. Ted Cruz has blown the whistle on this crisis multiple times. He recently visited the border again. And he discovered a rule Biden rule that is only making the situation worse.

From Daily Wire:
“One of the things we learned, which I had never heard, which is in the past year, the Biden administration has put out new guidelines for pursuit of illegal aliens,” Cruz said. “This is illegal aliens that are running, that are trying to get away. And the guidelines, you’d have to effectively call them guidelines for non-pursuit, because they are told you cannot pursue illegal aliens if there is anything that could potentially endanger someone’s safety.”

… He said that the policy has actually encouraged traffickers to do dangerous things because they know that agents won’t pursue because of Biden’s policy.

Sen. Cruz revealed a new Biden rule that is actually helping migrants enter the country illegally. The rule forbids law enforcement from pursuing aliens, if there is anything that could potentially endanger someone’s safety.

Cruz explained that if there were four people in a vehicle, but only three seatbelts, agents could not pursue them. Because, if there was an accident, someone might get hurt. He stated that this rule has encouraged traffickers to act recklessly because they know they will get away.

Previously, we’ve known that Border Patrol and DHS are being told to “catch and release.” Meaning, that illegal crossers are caught by agents, given a court date, and released into the country. As questionable as this policy is, it allows the government to keep tabs on migrants.

But with this new rule, illegal entrants are allowed to get away, without agents even apprehending them. Untold numbers of aliens could be flooding the country, avoiding apprehension, because of this Biden rule.

Democrats will claim this rule is to protect life. But it is resulting in the opposite. How many U.S. residents will be put in danger, by traffickers driving recklessly through towns? This rule could lead to kidnapping or worse.

It appears Biden is putting the safety of criminals ahead of the safety of Americans.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cruz revealed a new Biden rule that is letting illegal aliens into the country.
  • Agents are not allowed to pursue traffickers if it puts anyone in danger.
  • This rule is leading traffickers to take dangerous risks to avoid apprehension.

Source: Daily Wire

November 1, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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