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Ted Cruz Plans New Resolution To Block Biden’s Funding Of Special Project
Ted Cruz Plans New Resolution To Block Biden’s Funding Of Special Project

What’s Happening:

With Joe Biden in office the federal government and its agencies have moved further to the left with radical policies that affect Americans everywhere. Biden has worked hard to deliver on his promises of reforming the government in the image of leftist radicals who don’t align with American values.

The current administration has been implementing changes to government contracts that can financially hurt American businesses. Biden has pushed these policies to the point that only Congress can stop his destruction of practical business operations with contractors.

One Republican senator sent a clear message to Biden that the radical policy changes are not acceptable. Fox News reported that Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, the ranking member of the Senate Commerce Committee, is planning to introduce a resolution Friday that would overturn the Biden administration’s decision to tie certain federal funds to left-wing priorities.

From Fox News:
“President Biden and Secretary Buttigieg should allocate grant funding by implementing the law as written instead of trying to direct taxpayer money to favored projects and constituencies,” he continued.

Cruz is targeting the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Secretary Pete Buttigieg for managing three grant programs that serve as key vehicles to fund various types of surface transportation projects nationwide. DOT is forcing contractors that receive federal dollars to “sufficiently” consider both equity and barriers to opportunity along with climate change and environmental justice in their planning.

These contracts deal with billions of dollars in taxpayer funds. Cruz wants his colleagues in Congress to help block the Biden administration’s policy changes designed to hold federal funding hostage through radical environmental and racial equity requirements.

Buttigieg has said that billions of dollars in grants for infrastructure and rural surface transportation programs will support “transformational infrastructure projects across the nation.” This is accomplished by forcing recipients to broadly address equity and climate concerns.

DOT has made it clear that if contractors can be awarded contracts, but before they get any money they must “sufficiently considered equity and barriers to opportunity in their planning, as determined by the Department.”

Looking at this down the road, as an example, a contractor working in the rural areas of a state would have to adapt Biden’s radical agendas to get the money to build or improve roads in small town America. These policy demands won’t likely align with the citizens in those areas.

Cruz believes he has a legal avenue to stop Biden’s policies based on a law dating back nearly three decades that allows Congress to revoke federal regulations. He just needs fellow senators and representatives to sign on to his resolution. He already has support from Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Ranking Member Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV).

“We’ll continue to use the tools at our disposal to lead the way in protecting American families, workers, and employers from the harmful, seemingly endless, regulations of the Biden administration,” Capito said.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cruz pushes for support of resolution to stop Biden’s radical policies.
  • The Department of Transportation is forcing contractors to sign on or lose money.
  • For the resolution to pass, Cruz needs to rally members of Congress.

Source: Fox News

October 20, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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