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Court Shuts Down BLM Teacher Trying To Force Trans Ideologies On Kids
Court Shuts Down BLM Teacher Trying To Force Trans Ideologies On Kids

One of the many problems that America is facing today is the liberal indoctrination of children in our schools. The woke left has completely taken over the American education system.

With no regard for what it’s doing to our children, liberals are now using schools to attempt to create a new generation of radical leftists. Thankfully, a federal court in Pennsylvania is now pushing back on this in a big way.

Megan Williams is a first-grade teacher who forced her 6 and 7-year-old students to “observe” so-called Transgender Awareness Day. This Black Lives Matter activist subjected these small children to non-curricular propaganda about “gender identity” and sex changes.

Williams disturbingly went so far as to tell these kids that their “parents ma[d]e a guess whether they’re a boy or a girl” and may have been wrong. Parents complained, but Williams was backed by her school principal and superintendent.

Three mothers fired back by filing a lawsuit against Williams, the school, the district, and district officials in June of 2022. Their goal was to obtain a moratorium “on gender dysphoria and transgender transitioning,” parental notice and opt-out rights on the topic absent such a prohibition, compensatory damages, and punitive damages.

Thankfully, Judge Joy Conti of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania just ruled largely in favor of these mothers.

Judge Conti stated that “parents have a constitutional right to reasonable and realistic advance notice and the ability to opt their elementary-age children of noncurricular instruction on transgender topics and to not have requirements for notice and opting out of those topics that are more stringent than those for other sensitive topics.”

From The Blaze:
Judge Conti noted in her ruling, “A teacher instructing first-graders and reading books to show that their parents’ beliefs about their children’s gender identity may be wrong directly repudiates parental authority. Williams’ conduct struck at the heart of Plaintiffs’ own families and their relationship with their own young children.”

The judge noted that Williams usurped parental duties in an effort to inculcate her beliefs about gender ideology in the plaintiffs’ children, causing confusion.

“The students’ confusion in this case illustrates how difficult it is for a first-grader when a teacher’s instruction conflicts with their Parents’ religious and moral beliefs,” wrote Conti. “The heart of parental authority on matters of the greatest importance within their own family is undermined when a teacher tells first-graders their parents may be wrong about whether the student is a boy or a girl.”

Judge Rips Into Williams

Judge Conti went on to say that Williams “showed intolerance and disrespect for the religious or moral beliefs and authority of the Parents.” Thankfully, Williams has since resigned from her position at the school.

Vincent Wagner, senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, spoke out to celebrate the ruling.

“Parents have a fundamental right to direct the upbringing and education of their children,” he said. “School districts violate that right by leaving parents out of key decisions about their own children.”

Sadly, this is happening at schools all over the country. No wonder so many parents are choosing to homeschool their kids these days.

We applaud these mothers for taking a stand for parents and children everywhere with this lawsuit. This serves as a reminder to stay vigilant in being aware of what your children are being taught in schools.

Key Takeaways: 

  • BLM teacher forces first graders to observe Transgender Awareness Day.
  • Mothers fire back by filing a lawsuit.
  • A judge rules in the mother’s favor.

Source: The Blaze

October 12, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
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