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Legendary Comedian Rips Anti-Jewish Democrats – Then He Gives Trump 1 Powerful Boost
Legendary Comedian Rips Anti-Jewish Democrats – Then He Gives Trump 1 Powerful Boost

He has been billed as a headliner for comedy performances across the country and acted in a variety of movies. And he’s not afraid of Hollywood backlash over his support of Jewish people.

Jon Lovitz has been part of the entertainment industry for decades. His comedic performances and movie characters are beloved by a variety of fans across the globe. Now he’s taking a stand on a controversial global issue.

He didn’t hold back when he ripped Democrats and their stance against one of the most important U.S. allies in the Middle East. Lovitz took aim at so-called Democrat leaders and how they have attacked Israel.

From The Daily Wire:
Jon Lovitz slammed “self-loathing Jew” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Democrats for their lack of support for Israel and failure to quell growing anti-Semitism across the country.

The 66-year-old actor/comedian said people are free to vote for anyone they want to but added, “If you’re Jewish – they passed a bill about condemning anti-Semitism, which is condemning hate and violence toward Jewish people. 70 Democrats voted against it.”

Lovitz said there are many “self-loathing” Jews in the political ranks, and he argued the reason he says this is many Jewish Democrats are not supporting Israel in a war against terrorists. He again criticized Sanders.

“Why isn’t he condemning Hamas for starting it?” Lovitz continued. “What about that? And whatever you think of (former President Donald) Trump, the fact is that he’s done more for Israel than any president in the history of this country.”

Lovitz was pressed about Trump making harsh comments toward Jewish voters still for Democrats despite the party’s openly hostile attitude toward Israel. The comedian and actor defended Trump as someone who is not antisemitic.

“But if you want to say, ‘Well, he’s anti-Semitic,’ I go, well, I don’t know, his daughter – he’s crazy about Ivanka [Trump]– converted to Judaism, married a Jewish guy, his grandchildren are Jewish,” Lovitz said.

He pointed out the contrast between Trump’s beach front property in Florida and another nearby.

“There’s a beach club in Palm Beach. And they don’t let Jews in that club. They’re banned. And right next door to that beach club is Mar-a-Lago’s beach club and they let in Jews,” he added. “So which of those clubs are anti-Semitic, the one that bans Jews or the ones that [let] them in?”

Lovitz argued that anyone saying Trump doesn’t support Jews should think again. Trump’s actions speak louder than any Democrat narrative.

“Well? They love Trump in Israel, I tell you that,” Lovitz continued. “Because he defended them … People say Trump’s anti-Semitic. And then I would say he’s not by his actions and the Democrats, by their actions, are overall. They’re certainly not for Israel.”

Lovitz, a lifelong Democrat, said he no longer identifies with the party that stands against Israel.

“Jewish people for years, including myself, have been, you know, mostly liberal and Democrats,” Lovitz said. “And so, what do you do when the party that you’ve been a part of all your life is against you?… The Democratic Party, they’re not what they used to be.”

Democrats should probably not expect a vote from Lovitz when the November election rolls around. Trump appears more his style when it comes to supporting Israel and the Jewish people.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jon Lovitz slammed antisemitic Democrats who have turned against Jewish supporters.
  • The comedian/actor argued there are many “self-loathing” Jewish Democrats in Congress.
  • Lovitz said former President Donald Trump has done more for Israel than any U.S. president.

Source: The Daily Wire

May 11, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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