Just this week, CNN announced “sweeping overhauls” to its company. The new chief executive is scrambling to save the failing network—as viewers get tired of its overtly liberal bias. Part of these changes include firing at least 100 employees in its newsroom.
CNN used to be the gold standard for journalism. Today, it is a laughing stock. The last president was ousted for a scandalous relationship. And several high-profile anchors were fired because of shocking behavior.
If CNN hopes to survive, it needs to change its reputation as being a mouthpiece for the left. Perhaps its new leader knows this. But they can’t outright end years of pandering to liberals. Now, news is coming out that CNN is ending a woke news department. But they are doing it secretly.
From What I’m Reading:
CNN quietly disbanded its Race and Equality team Wednesday, a source said.The news comes as CNN chief executive Mark Thompson announced that the cable news channel will lay off 100 employees as it restructures its newsgathering operations.
The team, which was unveiled in July 2020 by former CNN president Jeff Zucker, had three reporters. The source explained that one reporter was laid off, while the others will be reassigned to different roles in the newsroom.
The disgraced former president of CNN, Jeff Zucker, decided to capitalize on the George Floyd riots in 2020 by opening a “Race and Equality” team. CNN was already pushing woke liberal propaganda. But Zucker thought it needed more white-hating coverage, by creating this Marxist-style team.
Now that CNN is circling the drain, the new leadership is quietly getting rid of this woke team. One of its reporters was fired and the others will be reassigned to doing, we can only assume, real work. (Although the jury’s out over whether anyone at CNN does “real work.”)
The team was supposed to provide “significant, sustained commitment to ensure race coverage is a permanent part of our journalism.” What does that mean? Was CNN not reporting on race issues before this team was created? Or was Zucker, once again, virtue signaling to the left? Clearly, this team did little to actually provide quality journalism, or it wouldn’t have been disbanded.
This comes as other companies quietly move away from woke initiatives. Many companies are getting rid of their “DEI” departments. CEOs are realizing these groups only created burdens for their companies, while doing nothing to win over customers.
But these companies are doing it covertly, so woke liberals won’t pitch a fit. Despite this, it seems the woke agenda is rapidly eroding in America. Let’s hope this trend continues.
Key Takeaways:
- CNN’s new leadership quietly disbanded its “Race and Equality” team.
- One reporter was fired and the others were moved to different departments.
- The team was supposed to provide “sustained” news coverage of race.
Source: What I’m Reading