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CNN Host Claims Kamala Harris Is in Deep Trouble, Says Voters ‘Remember Trump Better’
CNN Host Claims Kamala Harris Is in Deep Trouble, Says Voters ‘Remember Trump Better’

In the months since Kamala Harris became the Democratic presidential nominee, the mainstream media has been fawning over her like it’s their job. In doing so, the press has repeatedly ignored the fact that Harris has polled as one of the least popular vice presidents of all time.

Despite her historic unpopularity, the media has taken to pushing the narrative that there is no way that Harris could lose to Donald Trump. That’s why it came as a huge shock when a host on the super-liberal CNN turned on Harris and threw some cold water on her winnability chances.

CNN’s Scott Jennings spoke out on Tuesday to reference a new poll that found that  50% of voters view Trump’s term in office as “a success.” In contrast, just 37% of voters said that Joe Biden’s time in office was successful.

Needless to say, this poll does not bode well for Harris. Unlike many of his CNN colleagues, Jennings could not sugarcoat just how bad this is for her.

From The Daily Caller:
“Look, she’s got a major problem: It’s Joe Biden and the fact that she’s his vice president. In our CNN survey yesterday, 51% of registered voters said that Trump had a successful presidency. Only 37% said the same about Biden and Harris. A lot of that has to do with the economy and it mostly has to do with inflation,” Jennings said. “And so she’s yet to look into a television camera and say, ‘Here are two or three things that Joe Biden did that I disagreed with and I would do it differently and I have learned from that.’ She’s effectively running on a continuation of the same. People don’t like the same and they remember Trump better. I don’t know how you expect to win under those circumstances.”

Jennings asserted Tuesday polls by Quinnipiac University and Gallup are also troubling for Harris.

“The nervous campaign this morning is the Harris campaign. They’re not where they need to be with young voters, they’re not where they need to be with voters of color, working class voters,” he said. “They’re not achieving the margins that they need, that Joe Biden was getting in 2020 and Trump’s base is immovable and right now, his administration and him personally are more popular than they have ever been. It’s a problem.”

Harris Wants Voters To Forget She’s Biden’s Vice President 

Since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, Harris has been hoping that voters would simply forget that she has been Biden’s vice president for the past four years. Instead of speaking out to disavow herself from the Biden policies that have failed our country so miserably, Harris is simply counting on voters not remembering that she had a hand in them as well.

Harris has even had the nerve to run a presidential campaign based on hope and change, ignoring the fact that she’s actually been in power for years. This means that should she win this election, it is likely that nothing will change and that Harris will only continue the woke agenda that she and Biden’s administration already have in place.

Unfortunately for Harris, however, the American people simply are not as dumb as she thinks we are. We are not just going to forget the harm that she and Biden have done to this country. Thanks to them, millions of Americans are struggling just to put food on the table. The economy is in shambles, inflation has sky-rocketed, and our border is more open than ever, allowing millions of illegal aliens into our country. The last thing America needs is a radical liberal like Harris to remain in power.

The media can keep bowing down to Harris all that they want to, but the reality is that most Americans see right through her. If the press really thinks Harris is about to trounce Trump in this election, they may be in for a rude wakeup call come November.

Key Takeaways:

  • CNN host turns on Harris.
  • CNN host admits that Americans remember Trump’s presidency better than Biden’s.
  • Harris may not be doing as well in this election as the media would have you believe.

Source: The Daily Caller, Axios

September 27, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
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