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Capitol Just Suffered a New ‘Insurrection’ – You Won’t Believe Who Got Arrested This Time
Capitol Just Suffered a New ‘Insurrection’ – You Won’t Believe Who Got Arrested This Time

Democrats acted like the world had ended over a group of Americans “storming” the Capitol in 2021. They had hundreds of Americans arrested and thrown in jail.

Evidence emerged disproving many of the left’s claims. It was hardly the “insurrection” they claimed. Instead, Democrats were outed for trying to slander anyone who questioned the 2020 Election.

Since that time, we’ve seen actual protests striking in and around the Capitol grounds. But these are “dangerous” MAGA Americans, as Democrats called them.

Instead, liberals are getting a taste of their own medicine. After condoning dangerous demonstrations across America, they are now forced to deal with them in their own backyard. Lately, these protests have come from far-left groups that are siding with terrorists against the nation of Israel. And just days before Israel’s leader comes to speak, these radicals got rowdy, right in the left’s face.

A large, raucous pro-Palestinian protest Tuesday at a U.S. House office building is spiking lawmakers’ concerns about security around Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming speech…

The protests spilled over from a common area to several individual lawmakers’ offices, with one office calling the police on demonstrators…

Rivard said protesters were “violently beating on the office doors, shouting loudly, and attempting to force entry into the office.”

A collection of anti-Israel groups (including one called “Jewish Voice for Peace”) protested in the middle of Capitol Hill. They were demanding that the U.S. stop supporting Israel, going as far as to embargo the Jewish nation.

Ironic, coming from a group that is demanding “peace.” The demonstrators quickly got out of control. Some Democrat lawmakers accused the activists of “violently beating” doors and shouting at congressional staff.

It didn’t take long before police were brought in. These anti-Israel (and arguably antisemitic) activists were set off because of the arrival of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The left has called Netanyahu a “war criminal” over his government’s response to the heinous attacks of October 7, 2023.

The Hypocrisy of the Radical Left

A wide variety of leaders have spoken to the Congress. Some of them were no popular among Americans. Yet, these leftists groups chose Netanyahu’s visit to melt down over. The far left has sided with Palestinian groups, which often call for Israel’s demise. They have ignored the acts of evil against Israel civilians, all but saying Israel “deserved” it.

The disgusting attacks against Israel have outraged many Americans, who support the Jewish nation. Only college-aged students on the extreme left sympathize with Gaza; they are patently ignorant of the close-minded hostility Gaza residents show to Western people groups.

Democrats’ Dilemma

President Biden faced electoral extinction over the far left’s mutiny. His (albeit mild) support for Israel outraged progressive activists. He was rapidly losing support from young and progressive voters.

Kamala Harris, who seems to be grabbing the nomination for herself, is trying to win back these progressives. But at the cost of supporting the nation of Israel. The Democrat candidate is foolishly pandering to antisemitic groups, which will sour moderate voters on her bid for the White House.

Harris has snubbed Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. Instead, she will be campaigning (not that she ever did much as vice president). The left’s continued hostility toward Israel will only drive a wedge between them and the rest of the country. How that will affect the Democrats’ chances in the election remains to be seen.

Key Takeaways:

  • Netanyahu’s visit to the Capitol sparked massive protests and clashes.
  • Security concerns were heightened as demonstrators grew violent and hostile.
  • This comes as progressives spread antisemitic rhetoric for much of the year.
  • Democrats are stuck between supporting Israel and pandering to far-left voters.

Source: Axios

July 24, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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