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Blue State Hit with Another Major Loss – Historic U.S. Company Abandons Them for Southern State
Blue State Hit with Another Major Loss – Historic U.S. Company Abandons Them for Southern State

What’s Happening:

Technology companies and retail giants aren’t the only businesses packing up and leaving Blue states. Democrat policies on taxes, lawsuits, and crime have made in unbearable for many companies to conduct profitable business in these states.

The urge to leave grows stronger for companies when they realized just how determined Democrats are to undermine the Constitution and take away the rights of individuals. This has been on full display by leftists trying to dismantle the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

One gun manufacturer had enough and has moved its headquarters and all the jobs associated with it to a more friendly location. This company has a long-standing history of supporting American laws and its new state welcomed them with open arms.

From Blaze Media:
Smith & Wesson has been arming Americans for over 170 years. Although headquartered in Massachusetts since the mid-19th century, the gunmaker recently pulled up stakes and moved to a red state, citing constrictive Democrat gun control legislation.

Smith & Wesson uprooted its operations and over the weekend celebrated the grand opening of its new location. The $160 million, 650,000 square-foot home base in Maryville, Tennessee.

The move comes with 800 jobs, the promise of a $125 million investment, and a commitment to offer a $25.97 sustained minimum wage. That is a big positive for Tennessee and a huge loss for the leftists.

“From where I stand, the next 170 years of Smith & Wesson are looking pretty good,” CEO Mark Smith said. “It is something special here.”

This is the type of move by a company that can impact the lives of local residents for generations. The company may add 620 jobs or more as well as a company museum and retail space on the new campus.

The big move was prompted by Democrat gun control legislation in Massachusetts designed to stop the manufacture of legal firearms in most other states that are used by tens of millions of law-abiding citizens. Americans have constitutional rights under the Second Amendment to protect themselves and their families and enjoy shooting sports.

Smith & Wesson’s exit from Massachusetts was followed by more gun control efforts by state lawmakers. A new round of legislation aims to force more tracking of gun components and banning people from carrying legal firearms in many public places.

Jim Wallace, executive director of the Gun Owners’ Action League called the Massachusetts legislation a “train wreck” that is a “complete re-write of the gun laws.” Massachusetts’ gun control efforts have dropped it to the bottom half of the Cato Institute’s “Freedom in the 50 States” index.

Key Takeaways:

  • Historic American company packs up and leaves Massachusetts.
  • Laws infringing on constitutional rights prompt move.
  • New home location provides economic boost to Tennessee.

Source: Blaze Media

October 10, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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