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Blue City Mayor’s Career Hits a Brick Wall – His Latest Plan Could Get Him Thrown Out
Blue City Mayor’s Career Hits a Brick Wall – His Latest Plan Could Get Him Thrown Out

Democrat leaders in Blue cities continue to get caught up in their own lies. They say they can’t afford basic services for residents of their cities, but they always somehow find plenty of money for their pet projects.

This mindset has been revealed in multiple major cities in the past few years. What Democrat leaders want contrasts with what the people want. Those who voted these Democrats into office often get stuck with the bill for pet projects and don’t receive anything in return.

Chicago has been the poster-city for Democrats and how they operate against their constituents. Mayor Brandon Johnson is in hot water after he slapped residents with a heavy tax burden while denying them services.

From the Washington Examiner:
Mayor Brandon Johnson was met with strong opposition from Chicago residents during a Wednesday City Council meeting over his $70 million budget request to support the city’s immigrants and asylum-seekers. One resident has even launched a recall effort.

As a strong supporter of Chicago’s sanctuary city status, Johnson petitioned the city’s aldermen to allocate more funding for immigrants. So far, the city has spent $300 million on housing, food, and healthcare for newcomers.

Aldermen deferred Johnson’s request and the measure may stall, however, if approved the money will come out of a 2022 assigned fund balance. This comes at a time when the city is short of money.

Projections show that Chicago will run a deficit of $1.5 billion this year and $1.9 billion for 2025. Johnson has blamed the city’s financial crisis on the federal government’s failure to step in and provide aid to the asylum-seekers.

Voters let Johnson know how they felt during the city meeting. They were not happy about the $70 million request and want him to put the residents of Chicago first.

“We need that money in my neighborhood; we need that money on my block,” a woman wearing a red “Make America Great Again” cowboy hat said. “So I’m asking y’all to use our tax money for our people. We need it.”

Another woman announced that if the aldermen support Johnson’s spending for illegal immigrants that their jobs could be in jeopardy.

“Vote for the money for these immigrants today and we coming for those seats, you can believe that,” she said. “You better be worrying about your job, you better be worrying about your longevity because we gonna vote and we gonna get you out ’cause you ain’t doing right by us. That’s what time it is.”

Johnson is so disliked by city residents that local Dan Boland is gathering a petition that would give citizens the ability to vote on a recall for the mayor. In Illinois the only recall that is allowed is for the governor.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Chicago mayor is under fire for proposing to give $70 million to illegal immigrants.
  • Mayor Brandon Johnson wants the money to continue Chicago’s sanctuary city status.
  • Angry residents threatened to vote out city leaders if they cave and deliver the funds.

Source: Washington Examiner

April 20, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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