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Biden’s Latest Awkward Moment Goes Viral – Caught on Video for the World to See
Biden’s Latest Awkward Moment Goes Viral – Caught on Video for the World to See

Despite his inability to perform well in public, the White House let Joe Biden travel to Europe. The ailing Democrat attended the G7 Summit, an event that brings him face-to-face with other world leaders. And, as you might expect, Biden did horribly.

For years now, Americans have commented on Joe Biden’s cognitive decline. Late-night shows refuse to touch it because they are in the bag for Joe. But even two-bit stand-up comedians can see it.

Biden continues to show the world that his mental capacity is near zero. This summit was no exception. The president often struggles to speak, but once in a while, he really does something bad. Such was the case during this trip.

From Daily Caller:
A fresh video from the G7 Summit Thursday shows President Biden wandering away from world leaders as a concerned looking Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni attempts to rein him in.

As the rest of the G7 world leaders applauded the landing of a parachute demonstrator, a distracted Biden meandered off towards someone who was packing a parachute bag.

The rest of the leaders, including France’s Emmanuel Macron and the United Kingdom’s Rishi Sunak, quickly turned their attention away from the parachuter and towards an ambling Biden who was giving a thumbs up to a red beret who wasn’t paying attention to him.

During the G7 Summit, a video captured President Biden wandering away from the other world leaders while they were watching a parachute demonstrator land. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni looked concerned as she tried to bring him back.

While the leaders applauded the parachuter, it looked as if Biden walked towards someone packing a parachute bag. The other leaders, including France’s Emmanuel Macron and the United Kingdom’s Rishi Sunak, shifted their focus from the parachuter to Biden.

The video is pretty alarming. Biden looks like a distracted toddler who is about to wander off a cliff. That’s not good behavior for a grown person. What is that a sign of? Not of a healthy man, that’s for sure.

This comes just days after Biden was frozen during a music performance at the White House. Even after someone tried to rouse him, he appeared confused and dull. This video further confirms that his cognitive abilities have worsened since 2021.

How the heck is this man going to debate Donald Trump?

Key Takeaways:

  • President Biden appeared to wander away from other world leaders during the G7 Summit.
  • The video shows him looking distracted and disoriented.
  • Concerns about his cognitive abilities have long plagued his administration.

Source: Daily Caller

June 14, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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