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Shocking Biden Rumor Circulates, Claiming COVID Diagnosis Is Just a “Smokescreen”
Shocking Biden Rumor Circulates, Claiming COVID Diagnosis Is Just a “Smokescreen”

A week after Donald Trump narrowly missed the assassination, we learned President Biden contracted COVID (for the second time). We only saw footage of his boarding Air Force One, after canceling all his trips and events, and feeling getting off it.

We’ve seen no hide nor hair of the man since then. Only for a letter signed by him to show up on X, revealing he’s finally dropping out of the race so he can “finish the job” of his first term. Which we assume means further running up inflation and selling out to Ukraine.

We have been told that after less than a week with COVID, he is well enough to speak to the American people, but he spent 6 days off camera and finally appeared midday Tuesday getting on Air Force 1 to head back to the White House.

This is the same administration who ignored or lied about Biden’s cognitive decline for four years. A White House that hides Biden more than he is allowed to make public appearances. The circumstances of his dropout from the race are more than suspicious. Now, word is spreading that he might not have had COVID at all. And his decision to drop out of the race is due to a much worse situation.

From The Post Millennial:
Reports circulated on social media that President Joe Biden experienced an undisclosed medical emergency in Las Vegas on Wednesday before abruptly cancelling Nevada campaign events and heading back to Delaware, rapidly, aboard Air Force Once. On Sunday, Biden’s X account posted a letter signed by Biden saying that he would be dropping out of the 2024 presidential race. Biden’s X account on Sunday endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president…

Kirk said that he received corroborating accounts that “a call went out to block streets to get Biden to University Medical trauma center ASAP, and then the plan abruptly changed and they got him out on AF1 very quickly.”

The Dossier’s Jordan Schachtel worked to obtain accounts from over half a dozen law enforcement officers from Biden’s security detail, and others with firsthand knowledge of the incident to confirm many aspects of the story.

New Story Behind Biden’s Departure

Reports circulating on social media suggest Joe Biden was rushed from Nevada last week, due to some kind of medical emergency. Conservative commentator Charlie Kirk was citing sources that the Secret Service had to close streets because of this emergency. He was allegedly rushed to University Medical for “earnest” treatment. Biden was then “medicated” from Nevada to Johns Hopkins. Police were spreading rumors that Biden might have been “dying or possibly already dead.”

Kirk later received emails confirming elements of the original story. He confirmed that streets were blocked to assist in moving the president. But then the plan suddenly changed to fly him out of Nevada. These reports were further confirmed by Jordan Schachtel of The Dossier.

What is the Truth?

It is unlikely that the administration will confirm these reports, if true. The current narrative coming out of the liberal media is that Biden decided to drop out of the race to focus on ending his first term well. Biden and his people have refused to admit his cognitive decline, nor any other reason for his dropout. Furthermore, Biden had been firm on his commitment to stay in the race, until Sunday.

While rumors had been floating around last week that he’d drop out, even his own campaign denied them. Perhaps a medical emergency was the reason for his sudden change of mind. If Biden suffered a sudden emergency, it might have been too much for even his handlers to cover up.

Kamala’s Sudden Rise

This might explain why Democrat leaders are so quick to christen Harris as their new standard-bearer. Harris is an unremarkable candidate who has done nothing as vice president to impress the public. But if Biden suddenly suffered something so bad that he cannot continue, then the party had no other option but to quickly pick Harris to fill his place.

If this is the truth, then the party is in a much worse situation than they have let on. Biden is out of commission; they do not have a strong candidate to replace him. On top of that, the end of 2024 is cast into doubt, as might not have a functioning president to make decisions.

Key Takeaways:

  • New rumors suggest Biden didn’t have COVID, but suffered a serious medical emergency.
  • Users claim that Biden was rushed from Nevada, with some claiming he was dying.
  • This might shed light on his sudden dropout from the race and Democrats’ scramble to get Harris the nomination.

Source: The Post Millennial

July 23, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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