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After Biden Vows to Bring in Palestinians – Ron DeSantis Rocks Joe with a Scathing Reply
After Biden Vows to Bring in Palestinians – Ron DeSantis Rocks Joe with a Scathing Reply

Red state governors are sick and tired of the Biden administration. Inflation, foreign wars, and a border crisis have pushed these leaders almost to the brink.

Every time they call out Biden for his anti-American actions, the king of gaffe somehow finds a way to make things worse. Governors are fighting mad and turning their anger at Biden.

Millions of illegal immigrants have poured into the U.S. under Biden’s watch from the White House. Now Biden wants to fly in refugees from the hotbed of war – the land where terrorists have pledged “Death to America.”

From The Daily Wire:
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said this week that the state will not support President Joe Biden’s desire to bring in Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees.

“That is not in this country’s interest,” he said. “What we’ve seen over there — and we’ve seen the reflections in our own society of people out protesting in favor of Hamas terrorists, these are people that cooked babies in ovens while they were raping the baby’s mothers, executing elderly people — we forget about what happened that day on October 7.”

“And to take people from that part of the world and import those blood feuds to this country, that is not in your interest or your family’s interest.”

CBS News reported that several federal agencies have weighed various options for how to “resettle Palestinians from Gaza” inside the U.S. DeSantis said he didn’t believe Biden was “crazy enough” to resettle Palestinians here when most of them support terrorism and hate the U.S.

“I think if he does that, it is not going to be something that benefits the United States of America,” DeSantis said. “If anything, it’ll just exacerbate a lot of the problems that we’re seeing now.”

He pointed out the widespread anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protests that swept across college campuses as a “sickness” that must be handled quickly. The governor called for finding ways to unify the country by bringing in people who “actually want to assimilate into America, that actually believe in our founding principles.”

Resettling Palestinian refugees in the U.S. does not align with countries in the region surrounding the Israel-Hamas war. Egypt, as an example, has refused to take in Palestinians and even built a large wall to keep them out of the country.

Biden wants to fly people from the war-torn area who qualify with refugee status, according to the CBS report. That official status would entitle them to “permanent residency, resettlement benefits like housing assistance and a path to American citizenship.”

Biden has officially created a modern Trojan horse using illegal immigrants and so-called refugees who get inside U.S. borders and then begin to degrade the country from within. The walls of safety – U.S. immigration laws – have been toppled by Biden and he has placed the future of the country in danger.

Key Takeaways:

  • DeSantis slammed the door on Biden’s plan to resettle Palestinians in the U.S.
  • The governor didn’t think the president was “crazy enough” to import refugees.
  • DeSantis said Gaza Strip refugees would bring their “blood feuds” with them.

Source: The Daily Wire

May 3, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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