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Biden Official Stuns Americans with New Plan – Here’s His Sick Scheme for Biggest Christian University
Biden Official Stuns Americans with New Plan – Here’s His Sick Scheme for Biggest Christian University

Joe Biden has worked from day one in office to undermine the foundations of American society. From his call for all illegal aliens to cross an open border to stripping away gun rights he has made it clear he will do whatever it takes to counteract the sovereignty and freedoms of Americans.

His loyal minions in the administration continue to do his bidding and are open about how they work to harm Americans’ freedoms. The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is expected to create a diverse system where people can freely gain an education.

The problem is that Biden’s team only wants diversity that fits its definition. Any organization that doesn’t toe the line faces attacks from Biden’s self-righteous administrative appointees.

This became clear this week when the ED top brass revealed its plans to destroy a Christian university. ED Secretary Miguel Cardona made it clear that the crackdown against Grand Canyon University (GCU), the largest Christian university in the U.S., is underway.

From Fox News:
Cardona made comments during a House Appropriations Committee hearing about cracking down on GCU and other universities like it on April 10.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., asked Cardona how the administration is working to shut down GCU, which she called “a predatory for-profit school.”

Cardona openly embraced their enforcement methods, declaring “we are cracking down not only to shut them down, but to send a message to not prey on students.”

DeLauro suggested that GCU failed to accurately disclose student costs and drove up costs by requiring students to pay for continuation courses to graduate. She claimed “scam courses” added about $10,000 to the cost of education at the school.

Cardona boasted to Congress that the ED “levied largest fine in history against a school that lied about costs” and that GCU’s degree is “not worth the paper it is printed on.”

GCU was hit with a $37.7 million fine by the department in November over allegations the university misled students about the cost of its doctoral programs. GCU is fighting back against Cardona’s crackdown that officials there is promoted by a “deeply held bias.”

A GCU spokesperson responded that Biden administration officials continue to make derogatory and inflammatory public statements about the school.

“The Secretary’s comments to the House Appropriations Committee were so reckless that GCU is demanding an immediate retraction…,” the spokesperson added. “He is either confused, misinformed or does not understand the actions taken by his own agency.”

Cardona sounds a lot like Biden when he babbles about things he doesn’t understand. The university is appealing the fine through the Education Department’s process, but a hearing is not expected until January.

Other organizations warned about Biden’s administration attacking Christian schools. The American Principles Project (APP) launched a petition to support Christian educators. APP argued that the federal government under Biden is punishing schools that do not conform to a progressive ideology.

“The scrutinize-and-penalize campaign against faith-based institutions is not about students’ interests or well-being,” APP Policy Director Jon Schweppe said. “Rather, it’s part of a concerted effort to snuff out education choice and promote far-left values.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden’s education secretary vowed to shut down the largest U.S. Christian university.
  • Secretary Miguel Cardona hit Grand Canyon University with a $37.7 million fine.
  • GCU supporters said the crackdown was an effort to “snuff out” faith-based choices.

Source: Fox News

April 19, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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