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Biden Blindsided by New Veterans Scandal – Joe Accused of 1 Despicable Secret Move
Biden Blindsided by New Veterans Scandal – Joe Accused of 1 Despicable Secret Move

Military veterans in this country have struggled to survive under the weight of Biden’s economy and his lack of financial support for those who served. Veterans at every turn have fought to get more help while running into roadblocks at the federal level.

While veterans struggled, Biden’s administration devised sneaky ways to help illegal immigrants get everything they wanted from food to housing to medical care to spending money. Biden has proven how he wants to support illegal immigrants no matter the cost.

The un-American treatment of veterans by the current administration prompted a GOP senator to call out Biden’s underhanded methods. Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) wants Congress to step in and protect veterans and she’s letting everyone know how dirty Biden is treating the nation’s heroes.

From Breitbart:
“President Biden’s border crisis is so out of control that his administration is willing to steal from our nation’s heroes and divert resources away from their care,” she said.

“This shouldn’t be up for debate: immigrants who have broken our laws should not receive priority over American veterans, period,” she added, vowing to “continue demanding border security and standing up for those who defended our freedoms and way of life.”

Ernst, a combat veteran, is the Senate Republican Policy Committee Chair and demanded a halt to diverting veterans’ resources to illegal immigrants. She is supporting legislation to stop Biden’s administration from continuing its diversion practices.

Ernst’s angst followed reports that the Biden administration has leveraged resources and personnel at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide healthcare to illegal immigrants in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention.

The GOP senator has been a strong opponent of Biden and his focus on illegal immigrants over Americans. She said no matter how the “Biden admin tries to spin it” that the border must be secured to keep Americans safe.

Ernst is hitting Biden on multiple legislative fronts. She is championing efforts to enact Sarah’s Law, which reinforces accountability for crimes by illegal immigrants. She has also urged the president to move forward with using border wall materials already paid for by taxpayers.

Ernst also launched the BUILD IT Act and cosponsored the FINISH IT Act. These were incorporated into the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act in an effort to stem Biden’s border crisis. She has kept up the pressure on Biden by recently backing a bill to stop the VA from offering healthcare or handling claims for individuals in the U.S. illegally.

Under Biden, there have been nine million encounters at the nation’s borders with another nearly two million “known got-aways” who illegally entered the country. There have been 280,000 migrants into the country in the last two months.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden enacted a despicable policy to shift veterans’ healthcare funds to illegal immigrants.
  • Joni Earnst pledged to stop Biden’s policies that “steal from our nation’s heroes.”
  • Ernst said Biden’s chaotic border crisis must be stopped in order to keep Americans safe.

Source: Breitbart

April 10, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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