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Biden’s Latest Move Just Hurt Our Kids – Schools that Teach This 1 Course Get Less Money Now
By Sean Kerrvin|August 5, 2023
Biden’s Latest Move Just Hurt Our Kids – Schools that Teach This 1 Course Get Less Money Now

What’s Happening:

Democrats are ramping up attacks on school children as they push toward their goals of undermining American culture and transforming life in this country. They want to transition young minds at every level by eliminating access to education that teaches culture and values long held in the United States.

Rural communities are taking the brunt of this cultural assault. Federal money designated for schools is being withheld from any district that doesn’t bow to the leftist narrative. And it’s all legal.

From The Daily Wire:

The Biden administration confirmed this week that it is not giving key federal funds to elementary and secondary schools that offer hunting or archery courses.

Yep, simple, fun courses that teach discipline, safety, hard work, and respect for the outdoors are done in public schools if the district wants to receive federal money to operate. Another of Biden’s weaponized agencies, the Department of Education, is blocking the funding based on its interpretation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) passed last year.

This “bipartisan” bill was a knee-jerk reaction to a school shooting in Texas to curb gun violence. The reality is the bill allows federal agencies to eliminate school funding in ways that fit leftist political plans.

This isn’t a small policy to ignore. DOE actions against archery and hunting here could revoke needed funds in poorer school districts and hurt millions of students. DOE reasoning for this is insane.

From The Daily Wire:

“That amendment prohibits ESEA funds from helping provide any person with a dangerous weapon or to provide ‘training in the use of a dangerous weapon.’”

What’s next? Is the DOE going to ban funding for schools who still use “dangerous weapons” such as pencils and scissors with sharp tips? Or maybe ban the sport of baseball because someone somewhere at some point in time used a bat in a crime?

Everyone can thank Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) for empowering the DOE to further harm U.S. school children. Cornyn is the idiot RINO who championed the BSCA and sold his soul to the Democrats. He’s like that stupid frog that gets talked into giving a ride across a river to a scorpion and then wonders why the scorpion stings him and sends them both to death by drowning.

Cornyn and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) are having serious second thoughts about joining forces to give Democrats what they want when it comes to gun control and power over public schools. These two clowns should resign immediately and let voters elect some real patriots next year. They wrote a letter to the head of the DOE about how they were “alarmed” at the BSCA being “misinterpreted.” Fat chance their crying changes anything.

Schools are drowning in a sea of limited funds and need help wherever they can find money. Federal agencies should not be making it harder to get funding under any circumstances, especially by forcing leftist ideology.

Congress needs to act and get this corrected. Unfortunately, that is likely not going to happen as the scorpions on the Democrat side already drowned the RINOs and any hope of helping school children who just want to be Americans.

Key Takeaways:

  • Department of Education pulls federal funds due to “dangerous” courses.
  • Any school teaching archery or hunting is set to lose taxpayer money.
  • RINOs cry for help after Democrats uses gun control bill against schools.

Source: The Daily Wire

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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