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House Report Shows Biden/Harris Admin Let in 1.7 Million “Potential National Security Threats”
House Report Shows Biden/Harris Admin Let in 1.7 Million “Potential National Security Threats”

Throughout Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ time in power, it’s become clear that they’ve been prioritizing foreign migrants over American citizens. However, a new report has just come out that confirms that the border crisis that has been escalating over the past four years is even worse than we thought.

One month before the election, Democrats are hoping that American voters will forget that Biden made Harris his “border czar.” He put her in charge of fixing the border crisis, yet it only got exponentially worse on her watch.

Now, a report from the House Judiciary Committee has revealed that a whopping 1.7 million migrants who have been encountered along the southern border during the Biden-Harris administration have been flagged as “potential national security threats.” This shows that both Biden and Harris have flubbed the border crisis even worse than anyone could have imagined.

From The Daily Caller:
The migrants, who largely entered the country under Vice President Kamala Harris’ leadership as “border czar,” have been designated as “special interest aliens” (SIAs) due to having come from countries “considered to be a threat” to American national security, according to the report. Since January 2021, nearly eight million migrants have entered the country illegally along the southern border, with at least 382 of them found to be on the U.S. government’s terrorist watchlist.

“The terrorist threat to the United States has skyrocketed due to the Biden-Harris Administration’s dangerous open-borders policies,” the report reads.“Despite the Biden-Harris Administration’s attempt to cover up the national security nightmare created by the open southwest border, the Committee’s and Subcommittee’s oversight has revealed significant policy failures that make our country vulnerable to people and countries that seek to do us harm.”

The Department of Homeland Security has admitted that SIA status does not affect an illegal migrant’s admissibility into the country. This means that Biden and Harris allegedly released migrants who were known to be on the terrorist watchlist or who had confirmed potential terrorist ties into the U.S.


Biden And Harris Have No Shame

Americans everywhere have known that the border crisis has gotten out of control under the Biden and Harris regime. This, however, shows that their incompetence at the border has truly been unprecedented.

Of course, Biden and Harris likely have absolutely zero shame when it comes to their border failings.

After years of alienating actual American voters with their failed policies, Biden, Harris, and their fellow Democrats have resorted to trying to win over illegal aliens in a desperate attempt to stay in power. As the border has been made more open than ever under Biden, it’s also become historically easy for illegal immigrants to vote in this country.

We can only hope that this latest report is damning enough to cost Harris this election. Helping out illegal aliens to some degree is one thing. It’s quite another to endanger the lives of millions of American citizens by openly allowing terrorist threats into this country.

This serves as a reminder that the stakes of this election could not be any higher. If Harris comes out victorious, the border crisis will undoubtedly only get worse. That’s why we need to ensure that Donald Trump is voted back into the White House where he belongs.

Key Takeaways: 

  • The border crisis has escalated under Biden and Harris.
  • Over 1.7 million migrants have been flagged as “potential national security threats.”
  • These 1.7 million migrants all crossed the border since Biden and Harris came to power.

Source: The Daily Caller

October 5, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
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