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Biden Defies Supreme Court in Shocking Move – This is Joe’s Wokest Maneuver Yet
Biden Defies Supreme Court in Shocking Move – This is Joe’s Wokest Maneuver Yet

The election is only a few months away. And Joe Biden is facing tough odds. Polling shows him losing to Trump in numerous swing states. His approval continues to drag. On top of that, key voting demographics he needs are waning.

What is a Democrat to do to turn things around? It seems like Biden is trying to come up with a way to bribe voters into supporting a second term of his failed presidency.

But this time, he is running up against the very Supreme Court. The highest court in the land ruled he did not have the power to make a certain move. Despite this, he did it anyway. Now, he is back pushing this scheme—and it sounds like the most woke move yet.

From The Post Millennial:
On Monday, President Joe Biden announced plans to use an amended version of the Higher Education Act of 1965 in another effort to cancel student loans, this time with a heavy focus on “racial equity.”…

In a fact sheet released from the White House, the student relief is expected to target “racial equity” goals. It states that the relief is targeting those with “disproportionately high debt burdens” and that “Black and Latino borrowers will get substantial benefits from this relief.”

Biden is using a law from the 1960s to push another round of student loan cancellation. Although this law does not directly address student loans, he is trying to exploit it to both win over college-educated voters and minority voters.

With this plan, he is trying to eliminate the loans of over 30 million college students and graduates. This would put billions of dollars of debt onto the shoulders of working Americans—many of whom never went to college.

Many Americans were outraged when Biden first announced his plans to cancel student debt. Working Americans are forced to pay for the college educations of millions of others. Yet his scheme seemed to pay off in 2022—he timed it just before the midterms to give Democrats a boost.

It is unknown if Biden will be able to enact this plan. The Supreme Court ruled that only Congress has the power to authorize student loan cancelation. Despite that, Biden has continued to find loopholes to push this progressive demand.

It is possible this move will be once again challenged in court. While Biden might be able to win over voters with this scheme, he risks upsetting millions of working-class Americans, a group he continues to claim he supports.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden is defying the Supreme Court to push another student loan scheme.
  • This new plan will highlight minorities for “racial equity.”
  • The Supreme Court ruled that only Congress had the power to authorize student loan forgiveness.

Source: The Post Millennial

April 9, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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