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Minutes After Biden Announces Border Visit – He Gets Blistering 3-Word Bombshell from Border Union
Minutes After Biden Announces Border Visit – He Gets Blistering 3-Word Bombshell from Border Union

Joe Biden has long bragged about his support among labor unions. But in recent weeks, we’ve seen more than a few slip through his fingers. An international police union has endorsed Donald Trump. And the Teamsters—arguably the biggest union in America—is donating big bucks to the GOP.

Perhaps that is why Biden is scrambling to meet with one particular union. This union has been on the front lines of one of the worst crises to happen on Biden’s watch.

The White House is suggesting that not, after all these years, Biden is going to do something about it. He will meet with union officials to discuss the situation. But already, the union is saying “too little, too late.”

From Washington Examiner:
The White House confirmed Monday that Biden will travel to Brownsville, Texas, on Thursday to meet with Border Patrol agents…

…the National Border Patrol Council said the president, “after repeatedly stating there is no crisis, [his trip] is too little, too late.”

“But even if he were to put the proper policies in place at this late hour, he’d be doing it only to try to save his Presidency… Common sense dictates that as a lame duck, he’d revert to his open border policies if re-elected,” the union added.

The National Border Patrol Council, the union that represents Border Patrol agents, is blasting Biden’s apparently last-minute trip to the border. Joe Biden has turned a blind eye to the border for years.

His administration has repeatedly claimed there is no border crisis—despite data from DHS saying that over 7 million illegal aliens have entered the country. Now, with his reelection in the balance, he is going to Texas to meet with border officials.

The union is in no way impressed. They were heavily critical of Biden’s trip saying he is only doing it to “save himself.” The union went on to say that Biden’s self-serving actions will quickly be reversed, if he is reelected.

Biden is currently facing stiff reelection odds. His approval is in the toilet and major progressive groups are opposing him. His biggest failure could be the border crisis, which is fundamentally altering the country.

Anything that he does now, just months before the election, is unlikely to provide a lasting remedy. Biden had previously tried to use the crisis to secure billions for Ukraine, claiming he needed more money to secure the border. Speaker Johnson blasted him, saying Biden already had the power to fix the border.

The union is probably correct in its warning to voters. Whatever changes Biden makes today will be undone the moment he starts his second term. And those remedies themselves will be mostly apparances, not substance.

Key Takeaways:

  • After ignoring the border crisis, Biden is traveling to Texas to meet with Border officials.
  • The National Border Patrol Council blasted Biden’s trip as self-serving.
  • The union claimed Biden will revert to his open border policies if he is reelected.

Source: Washington Examiner

February 27, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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