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Biden Hit with Shock ‘Bribery’ Accusation – It Just Had a Massive Impact on 2024 Election
Biden Hit with Shock ‘Bribery’ Accusation – It Just Had a Massive Impact on 2024 Election

The laundry list of Joe Biden’s power trips while in office span from foreign affairs debacles to domestic economic strife to the open border crisis. He believes he can do what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants, and no one can challenge him.

Biden may go down in history as the president who thumbed his nose at the law. And got away with it. He once again defied the U.S. Supreme Court and used taxpayer funds to fulfill a campaign promise.

Biden’s approval rating is at historic lows across the country, and he is doing everything he can to gain favor among voters. One of his biggest campaign promises was to give away money to people who didn’t earn it. With a stroke of the pen, he’s done it again and Republicans are crying foul.

From the Washington Examiner:
Both the president and Vice President Kamala Harris have campaigned heavily on their student debt initiatives in the face of waning support among young voters, yet Republicans have openly accused Biden of trying to buy votes with the programs ahead of the 2024 election.

Biden touted his latest round of student loan debt relief Wednesday in California and promised to continue sending emails to qualifying borrowers alerting them that they are eligible for forgiveness through his various debt programs.

He’s the front man is this taxpayer dollar giveaway scheme and openly promoting the program to boost his standing with mostly liberals who owe money for their education. The scheme has pushed the U.S. debt higher by billions of dollars.

The Supreme Court already slammed Biden’s free money scheme in 2023 when it struck down his plan to forgive $10,000 for student loan borrowers. He shifted to alternate plans before the ink was dry on the high court’s ruling.

To date, Biden has delivered $138 billion in student loan debt relief for about 3.9 million borrowers since he set foot in the White House. Not all those in debt have been notified, and Biden is working that angle let them all know he’s the man with the plan. He is directly communicating to borrowers that he helped deliver the relief.

“This is the kind of relief [that] can be life-changing for individuals and for their families, and it’s good for the economy as a whole,” Biden said. “I’m proud to have been able to give borrowers, like so many of you, the relief you earned. I promise you I’m never going to stop fighting for hardworking American families, so if you qualify, you’ll be hearing from me shortly.”

The latest debt relief deal affects about 153,000 borrowers owing $1.2 billion. The are now eligible for shorter debt forgiveness that Biden put in place after the Supreme Court ruled against him. He even moved up the schedule for debt relief and the timing coincides with his run into the November presidential election.

Republicans swiftly tagged Biden’s debt relief fast-track plan as nothing more than a political power grab. The Republican National Committee put out a statement against the president’s plan.

“Over 60 percent of Americans don’t have a college degree, but Joe Biden wants hardworking taxpayers to foot higher education bills for the elite few,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said. “In Biden’s desperate attempt to use your money to buy votes, American families are left behind.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Republicans slammed Biden’s latest rollout of student debt relief that costs taxpayers.
  • The plan erased higher education debt of more than $1 billion for 153,000 borrowers.
  • GOP officials said the plan is nothing more than a way to buy votes during an election.

Source: Washington Examiner

February 23, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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