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Bill Barr Reveals His Surprise 2024 Pick – Says 1 Candidate Would Be ‘National Suicide’
Bill Barr Reveals His Surprise 2024 Pick – Says 1 Candidate Would Be ‘National Suicide’

Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr once stood by the side of then President Donald Trump and defended his boss with fervor. Then he turned on Trump after the Jan. 6 incident and Trump spurned him on more than one occasion.

The dynamic between the two political powerhouses has been testy at best for years. Barr always seems to find a way into the media spotlight about his comments toward Trump.

One thing the two can agree on is that neither of them is a fan of Joe Biden. Barr stepped into the media limelight once again last week when he backed off his reluctance to endorse a candidate. He revealed his pick for president in 2024 and which candidate he sees as a disaster.

Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, according to The Daily Wire, suggested during a speech late last week that in a rematch between Trump and Joe Biden, he’ll back his former boss. But this wasn’t a ringing endorsement. He was still critical of Trump while vicious in his sentiment for Biden.

“Voting for Trump is playing Russian roulette with the country,” Barr said, according to a report from Axios. “Voting for Biden is outright national suicide.”

Barr has been vocal that he believes Trump is responsible for some of the legal trouble he faces. This includes the federal case about his handling of classified material. By contrast, Barr has defended Trump in other criminal cases, like the hush money case in the Manhattan legal tussle and the two election cases.

“I don’t like the idea of us putting former presidents in prison,” Barr said. “I hope this doesn’t end up with him in prison even if he is convicted.”

Trump’s legal challengers present some tough hurdles to overcome from now to election day in November. He has been indicted in four separate criminal cases and is appealing rulings where he lost in civil courts that if upheld could cost him hundreds of millions of dollars.

The legal chaos has seemingly help propel Trump in his quest for re-election to the White House. He is the Republican front runner with all but one challenger leaving the race. Trump has gained ground in national polls and holds an advantage over Biden at this point.

Trump appears headed to a Republican Party nomination as the GOP candidate in November while Biden appears to be faltering despite unwavering Democratic National Committee support. Polls show a majority of voters don’t approve of how the incumbent is handling top issues affecting the country such as the economy, inflation, immigration, and the border crisis.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bill Barr said Trump is the best choice over Biden to be the next U.S. president.
  • The former U.S. attorney general said electing Biden would be “national suicide.”
  • Barr and Trump have sparred over many issues before this election revelation.

Source: The Daily Wire

February 20, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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