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After Hillary Calls to “Deprogram” Trump Fans – Donald’s Team Releases an Epic Video Reply
After Hillary Calls to “Deprogram” Trump Fans – Donald’s Team Releases an Epic Video Reply

What’s Happening:

Some politicians just don’t seem to understand that their words matter and in today’s techno-hyped world anything say can and will be used against them in the court of public opinion. Audio, video, and the wild world of memes ensure that politicians’ statements are enshrined forever across the ether of the internet.

Using social media to highlight a political position, good or bad, skyrocketed when former President Donald Trump used various platforms to vault his campaign to success. He hasn’t stopped, even after a ban on some platforms, from taking advantage of this power to reach the people. His former opponent that he defeated to gain the White House still doesn’t seem to understand how this all works.

Hillary Clinton recently called to “deprogram” Trump fans like something out of a dystopian fiction novel. Her latest attack on those who dare not think the way she wants was called out in an epic video from the Trump election team.

From the Washington Examiner:
“With Trump taking a commanding lead and Bidenomics hurting American families, genius Hillary Clinton has come up with a way for Biden to win,” the video states. “There needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.”

Clips of Clinton’s call for “deprogramming of the cult members” is repeated along with other quotes of her saying, “Pay attention,” “Joe Biden will defeat him,” and “Forget Trump.” This all as Trump’s polling numbers have increased over Biden in certain polls.

The video depicts American workers walking despondently in line through a factory setting with the video being presented in black and white. Other workers suddenly rush in the head of the line and quickly present a full-color video of Trump declaring:

“To American workers watching their take-home pay shrink and watching inflation destroy their family and their lives,” Trump proclaims. “To all of you. I have your back.”

The workers’ faces suddenly brighten and are filled with color as Trump’s words release them from their mindless actions under Biden’s authority.

Check out the video here its definitely worth a watch:

Clinton’s calls to “brainwash” independent thinking American citizens has not resonated with people across America. If she is willing to “deprogram” Trump supporters, what else is she capable of doing to oppress Americans who disagree with her?

Clinton’s unwavering support of Biden and her “genius” plan to brainwash Americans will surely be used against Democrats throughout the 2024 election season. Only time will tell how many of Biden’s minions vote for him again after they learn more of the truth about his term’s “achievements” or lack thereof.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump’s new video hammers Hillary Clinton with her own words.
  • Clinton has called to “deprogram” the “cult” of Trump supporters.
  • Biden’s polling numbers continue to lag against Trump with allies like Clinton.

Source: Washington Examiner

October 20, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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