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Biden Makes His Most Dangerous Move Yet – And His Timing Couldn’t Be Worse
Biden Makes His Most Dangerous Move Yet – And His Timing Couldn’t Be Worse

College campuses around the country have erupted in anti-Israel protests. Radical progressives have even occupied campuses, pitching tents and vandalizing property. Some Democrats have even denounced these students, who are increasingly spreading antisemitic views.

Some experts have pointed out that these protesters are getting help from non-students. In some cases, anti-Israel and antisemitic groups from other countries are training progressives.

Colleges have suffered millions in damages. Students might abandon institutions of higher learning after this crisis. Despite the terrible fallout of this movement, Biden announced plans that could make this climate across America even worse.

From The Post Millennial:
The Biden administration has indicated that they are considering bringing Palestinian refugees from Gaza into the US to give these displaced persons “a permanent safe haven.” This would be the first time that the US refugee program, established in 1980, took on the project of Palestinian resettlement in large numbers in the US.

President Donald Trump has vowed to restrict any refugees coming in from Gaza and other hotbeds of terrorism. “We aren’t bringing in anyone from Gaza or Syria or Somalia or Yemen, or Libya, or anywhere else that threatens our security,” he said in an October 2023 speech.

It seems Biden wants to import even more people who hate American values and our ally Israel than are already here. In what could be an attempt to appease the radical left, his administration suggested it was going to bring in countless refugees from Gaza.

The administration has scolded Israel for its ongoing fight in the region. Biden vowed to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to send aid to Gaza. This, despite the fact that aid sent into the region is used by Hamas to spread terrorism.

While the left won’t admit it, many people living in Gaza share the same hateful sentiments against Jewish people as Hamas does. The college protesters continue to spread rhetoric that endangers Jewish Americans and calls Israel—a U.S. ally—an “apartheid state.”

By bringing Gaza refugees to America, Biden is only ensuring more of this hatred will spread in the United States. But it seems Biden is more concerned with winning back progressive voters, in a desperate attempt to save his failing presidency. Biden is willing to endanger the U.S. (as he’s done repeatedly with the border crisis) just to save his skin.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden suggested his administration will welcome Gaza refugees to America.
  • This comes as anti-Israel groups spread antisemitism across college campuses.
  • This could be an attempt by Biden to win back progressives who have turned on him.

Source: The Post Millennial

May 1, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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