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22 Red States Just Moved Against Biden – They Drop the Hammer on 1 of Joe’s Worst Rules
By Sean Kerrvin|August 26, 2023
22 Red States Just Moved Against Biden – They Drop the Hammer on 1 of Joe’s Worst Rules

What’s Happening:

Joe Biden continues to force destructive policies on this nation and now a group of states is asking a federal court for help. Biden has made it clear that he will use the power of his executive pen to go around Congress and undermine states’ rights.

One of his most devastating policies has been to allow up to 30,000 migrants into the U.S. every month from South America and the Caribbean. Americans are starving in the streets of big cities while Biden opens the floodgates across the southern border. This steady flow of people who need every level of assistance funded by taxpayers can’t be sustained.

Red states have had enough and have joined legal forces against Biden in federal court in Houston. These GOP-led states want to stop Biden’s humanitarian parole program, which allows residents of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to apply for a two-year work stay in the U.S.

From Fox News:

Texas argues the program is an overreach by the Biden administration and an unlawful strain on their resources. They also say the federal government is overusing its statutory parole authority, which is supposed to be used “only on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.”

This case is another example of Biden abusing his power for political purposes and thinking no one can stop him. He flaunts his ability to force destruction policies on the nation knowing his opponents must rally forces to stop him and by the time they succeed the damage is done.

Biden’s administration argues the parole program has been successful but ignores the facts. Since the program’s inception, it has granted access to the U.S. for 72,000 Haitians, 63,000 Venezuelans, 41,000 Cubans and 34,000 Nicaraguans. Every person allowed in under this program requires taxpayer dollars to support them at a time when Americans are struggling to pay for a place to live and buy food.

Republicans on both the federal and state levels have hammered the administration for its handling of the border crisis, blaming its rollback of Trump-era border security measures for the ongoing surge of migrants seeking entry to the U.S.

There have been calls from Republicans in Congress to halt funding to federal agencies providing this and other Biden programs that promote mass migration to the U.S. We hope GOP leaders make good on this idea and that the judge in Texas stops Biden’s program.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden faces Texas-sized challenge to his migration rules.
  • Red states mount legal claim against flood of migrants.
  • GOP leaders say Biden program is government overreach.

Source: Fox News

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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