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Top Democrat Asked If Biden Should Debate Trump – His Reply Has the White House Scrambling
By Sean Kerrvin|January 13, 2024
Top Democrat Asked If Biden Should Debate Trump – His Reply Has the White House Scrambling

Democrats have been running scared that their candidate selection for the 2024 presidential election is failing fast. Poll after poll shows Biden trailing former President Donald Trump.

It seems each time Democrats try to undermine Trump with lawsuits to remove him from the ballot he just gains points in the polls. Some Democrat analysts and politicians have even called for Biden to step away and let someone else take on Trump.

A traditional way for weaker presidential candidates to gain ground against opponents is to step on the debate stage and show the world what they offer. Strength, stamina, and a sharp intellect can turn the tide in an election. The problem for Biden is some Democrats say it would be trouble if he stepped on stage against Trump, including Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL).

From the Daily Caller:
“I would think twice about it,” Durbin said in The Hill on Monday.

Durbin chose his words in a way to deflect from Biden’s weaknesses and highlight what he called Trump’s “extremism.” He noted how he has been present when Trump thumped Hillary Clinton in the debates and claimed a debate with Biden would allow Trump to “do outrageous things and say outrageous things.”

Durbin’s argument was mirrored by other Democrats trying to fuel party talking points to avoid giving Trump public podium on the debate stage. The reasoning didn’t hold water with Democratic strategist James Carrville. He said debating Trump is a risk, but dodging a debate could be worse.

“There’s a damage if you don’t [debate]. There’s a damage if you don’t do well,” Carville said. “It’s kind of expected as a presidential candidate.”

Trump has called out Biden and wants to go the distance on the debate stage. He has publicly stated that he looks forward to debating the incumbent and suggested the two square off in 10 debates.

Such a challenge has Democrats cringing in private. A failed performance by Biden on the debate state could highlight voters’ perception of the president’s age, according to Democratic lawmakers speaking in private. Behind the scenes Democrats have admitted to a key strategy of hoping that Trump is held back by ongoing legal indictments.

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) said Trump still has to win the Republican nomination. From there, Coons believes, Trump’s refusal to debate GOP challengers “would make a pretty strong case for not dignifying him as a candidate by sharing a debate stage.”

Biden must decide if he wants to face off against Trump in a general election race if the two are their respective party nominees. While Biden mumbles and stumbles during public appearances, Trump appears ready to go toe-to-toe with Joe based on his consistent campaign events that can extend for hours.

Key Takeaways:

  • Durbin said Biden should “think twice” before debating Trump.
  • The White House and Democrats are scrambling to defend Biden.
  • Democrats lay out a plan for no debates based on Trump’s actions.

Source: Daily Caller

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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