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Police Make 1 Stunning School Discovery – Now American Parents Are Starting to Panic
Police Make 1 Stunning School Discovery – Now American Parents Are Starting to Panic

We might sound like a broken record, talking about the border crisis. But the truth is, the situation is getting worse every day. And it stands to fundamentally change the United States, for the worse.

Biden has done shockingly little about the millions of illegals entering the country—despite what he’s said to the media.

The border has not been shut down. And migrants continue to find new ways of infiltrating the country. Democrats are bending over backward to accommodate invaders. Now, we are learning that migrants are using schools to allude authorities. This will put many children in harm’s way.

From Breitbart:
A middle school in New Mexico was placed on lockdown last week after migrants were discovered to be hiding inside.

The incident happened at Santa Teresa Middle School near the U.S. Southern border with Mexico and is not the first time migrants were discovered hiding there…

“A lot of people in that area that try to evade arrest from our apprehensions do have a criminal history or have immigration issues. So that’s the reason why they just take off running and go through locations they’re not even familiar with,” he added.

Illegal aliens were found hiding in a middle school near the border in New Mexico. While some border jumpers surrender to border agents, claiming asylum, many allude authorities. This is usually because the migrants have a criminal record and are fleeing justice from their home country.

The school had to be put into lockdown, to prevent students from moving freely in the school and encountering the migrants. According to reports, this was not the first time migrants used the school to hide.

It appears the school is only five miles from the border, near a gap in border called “The Anarpa Gap.” Although this appears to be a well-known means of entry, it has not been secured by DHS or New Mexico authorities.

Unlike Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California are doing a dismally poor job of securing the border. These states have more Democrat leadership in place, whom might be unconcerned with the major threat millions of illegals pose to their residents.

Under Joe Biden, over 7 million illegal aliens have been allowed to enter the country. These migrants compete with Americans for jobs, housing, and other resources. Experts warn illegals drive down wages. Criminal aliens have spread opioids across the country, leading to an alarming rise in drug overdoses.

Despite all this, Biden continues to do nothing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Illegal aliens were find hiding in a middle school near the border.
  • The school was put into lockdown, while the migrants were apprehended.
  • This is not the first time aliens with criminal records tried to hide in the school.

Source: Breitbart

April 3, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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