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Biden Blindsided By Furious Dem Governor – Look What Joe’s Trying to Do in This Blue State
By Sean Kerrvin|December 9, 2023
Biden Blindsided By Furious Dem Governor – Look What Joe’s Trying to Do in This Blue State

What the government giveth, the government can take away. Liberals for generations have pushed for more free money from the federal government.

The government has continued to deliver monetary freebies in various forms under the Biden administration. From billion-dollar rail systems to college loan forgiveness, Biden is synonymous with free money. One of the highlights of his freebie policies was the flood of federal handouts via stimulus checks during the pandemic.

People wanted more and Biden obliged in the form of rebate checks in various states. What they didn’t realize is that the federal government has an institution ready to take back what Biden gives. Now a Blue state governor is furious after Biden’s plan to dip into the wallets of everyday taxpayers.

From Fox Business:
Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz blasted the federal government’s decision to tax Minnesotans who receive rebate checks this year as “bulls—” on Wednesday.

Walz let slip the harsh response during a news conference about the state’s budget surplus forecast for 2024. A reporter’s question prompted his reaction to an IRS decision to tax the state’s rebate while pandemic-era relief payments in other states were tax-free.

“Bulls—,” said Walz. “I don’t know. It’s the IRS. I will tell you this: I have been on the phone, not much more judicious than that slip there, to let them know.”

Initial rebates for Minnesota residents were set at $260 per person while qualifying households could receive up to $1,300 if a couple claims at least three dependents. But they might not get to keep it all. The federal tax on the rebate check could take back between $26 and $286 based on household income and the total rebate allowed.

Walz let the White House know that Minnesotans were “being treated unfairly” because the state missed a cutoff by 15 days to qualify for the tax-free status. Fox reported that other states were able to qualify, since their rebates were authorized before the federal government ended the COVID-19 health emergency on May 11.

That’s just like the IRS to penalize citizens for missing a deadline for a demand of taxes and they don’t care if the money comes from Biden-supporting Democrats. Welcome to the Republican viewpoint, governor.

Key Takeaways:

  • Angry Democrat governor faces off with White House over extra taxes.
  • State residents who received rebate checks may lose some of the money.
  • State officials failed to meet a deadline and the IRS is seeking a payback.

Source: Fox Business

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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